If you are building a home or designing an office, you have many choices to make. My blog this week is to try to help navigate you on which stone is right for you. I would like to start with this statement: there is no wrong or right choice. It is your design preference and whatever you think is beautiful is the way to go. No matter what type of stone you pick, you will need maintenance, so pick what you love!

If you love marble, travertine, limestone or terrazzo…
- These stones need to be cleaned on a regular basis with neutral cleaners (such as Lavenet, Lavenet Green, and Akemi Crystal Clean).
- Marble reacts to acid, ammonia, and alcohol. It will “etch” when it comes into contact with these three substances. Etch marks are chemical burns that look like the finish or the shine has been removed from the surface of the stone.
- Sealing your stone does not stop etch marks, but it does prevent grease and oil from staining the stone. We recommend re-sealing your stone annually with Seal & Go® S or Seal & Go® W.
- Depending on your level of tolerance of etch marks and fine scratches, your stone may need to be re-honed or re-polished as needed.

If you love granite, slate or basalt…
- These stones need to be cleaned on a regular basis with neutral cleaners (such as Lavenet, Lavenet Green, and Akemi Crystal Clean).
- These stones do not typically react to acids, but sealing your stone is important because it prevents grease and oil from staining the stone. We recommend re-sealing your stone annually with Seal & Go® S or Seal & Go® W.
- The stone may need to be re-polished or re-honed over time due to wear and tear or foot traffic.
- Flamed granite and slate are textured materials and can accumulate embedded dirt over time; a good scrub brush and neutral cleaner will help with that issue.
Natural stone surfaces may require care and maintenance, but they certainly add an element of elegance to your home or office. Also remember, that unlike some other non-stone materials, stone can be resurfaced, repaired, and refinished by yours truly, International Stoneworks.
Tune in next week for part 2: which finish is right for your natural stone surface?