Many buildings today are not just installing gorgeous stone lobby floors. They are also starting to renovate their outside floors, signs and walls. With the installation of exterior stone, comes the question of how much more maintenance will these surfaces require? Of course we ask how the stone will stand up against the elements such … ∞
1. I’m done cooking. I’ll wait and do the cleaning up tomorrow. Try wiping up any standing oil and grease from your granite or marble countertops as soon as you are done cooking. If you leave grease sitting on your countertop overnight, it might penetrate into the stone and leave a dark stain. Save … ∞
Picture in your mind the limestone that composes the Acropolis in Athens, then think about a shiny sleek Carrera marble kitchen countertop. Both are natural stones, yet both look very different. Stone can endure the passage of time and all sorts of weather conditions, but the finish on the stone, well that’s a different story. … ∞