I receive many questions on how to clean grout lines and with good reason, grout lines are traditionally lower than the tile and dirt can collect in these areas. Here are some grout cleaner recommendations that will certainly help you maintain your natural stone and tile floors.
Marble, Travertine, Limestone and Terrazzo Tile:
Use Lavenet of Lavenet Green neutral cleaners.
You want to use a neutral cleaner because acid-based cleaners will harm (etch) these natural stones.
Please keep in mind that some embedded dirt can penetrate so deeply that it may discolor the grout or stone. These stains may not come out with simple cleaning and you may need to call a professional restoration company like International Stoneworks.
Here’s another tip: it is a good idea to seal your stone floor annually with Seal & Go® S as it protects the stone and grout and helps with daily cleaning.
Textured Natural Stone such as Flamed Granite, Slate and Flagstone
Try the Dual Action Scrub Brush with Handle or
The Scrub Grit II brush (used with a floor machine) with Lavenet or Green Solutions Floor Finish Remover.
Green Solutions Floor Finish Remover is specifically formulated to strip non-urethane floor finishes, wax, and acrylic sealers. It does not produce a strong odor. Green Solutions Floor Finish Remover is fast acting and easy to use. It can also be used as a heavy duty cleaner.
Using these cleaners with a scrub brush will help dislodge dirt.
Ceramic or Porcelain Tile with White Grout
Try the Dual Action Scrub Brush with Handle or
The Scrub Grit II brush (used with a floor machine) with MDR
Ceramic, porcelain and quarry tiles can be thoroughly cleaned with a solution of MDR (Mineral Deposit Remover). This cleaner, when used with a scrub brush, will help dislodge dirt and lighten grout lines. Caution: MDR contains an acid and will etch marble, travertine, limestone, and terrazzo.
Ceramic or Porcelain Tile with a Colored Grout
Try the Dual Action Scrub Brush with Handle or
The Scrub Grit II brush (used with a floor machine) with TGR
TGR (Tile & Grout Restorer), when used with a scrub brush, will help dislodge dirt, but will maintain the color of the grout lines. If you have gray, pink, or black grout lines, TGR is the grout cleaner to use. Caution: TGR contains an acid and will etch marble, travertine, limestone, and terrazzo.

Staining Grout Lines
Over time, embedded dirt can penetrate so deeply that it may discolor the grout. These stains may not come out with simple cleaning and you may need to call a professional restoration company like International Stoneworks. If this is the case, grout lines can be stained with a stain/sealer. It is a little time consuming, but it’s a less dusty option compared to grout replacement.

Replacement of Grout Lines
This is a good option if the grout lines are cracked or there are areas where the grout has completely come out.