As you rush through the airport to make your flight, you probably don’t notice the floor you are walking (or running) on. In many airports, schools, and larger buildings, you are likely to find terrazzo floors. What exactly is terrazzo you ask? You can visually identify terrazzo as the stone floor that has chips of natural stone, quartz or glass sprinkled throughout a cement or epoxy binder.


There are a few types of terrazzo, but we typically see two types: sand cushion and epoxy.


According to the National Terrazzo and Mosaic Association, Epoxy Terrazzo is:

“A nominal 1/4″ or 3/8″ thick resin matrix veneer placed upon a level concrete slab; Also can be specified with glass, synthetic, or granite aggregates in lieu of marble to provide brilliant colors or chemical resistance; The best “thin-set” system.”


The National Terrazzo and Mosaic Association defines Sand Cushion Terrazzo as:

“A cement matrix topping underbed with wire reinforcing, isolation sheet, and sand layer system for interior floor use. This is the best cement system.”


So now that we know what terrazzo is, how can we take care for it and maintain it.

The first thing you need to know is that certain terrazzo floors react (etch) when it comes into contact with acids, ammonia, and alcohol, just like marble.

Etch marks are chemical burns that look like the finish or the shine has been removed from the surface of the stone.

etch instacollage

  • Avoid cleaning terrazzo with acid products like vinegar; stick to neutral cleaners such as Lavenet and Lavenet Green.
  • Seal terrazzo once a year with Seal & Go® S or Seal & Go® W to protect your stone from non-acid substances such as oil and grease.

A lot of people just put a coat of wax over terrazzo to keep it shiny, but we prefer maintaining the floor with our no-wax polishing system.

With a terrazzo polishing no-wax system, you never have to strip off old coatings or wax again. You never have scuffmarks or scratches on the sealer either.

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When the terrazzo floor in high traffic areas becomes a little worn over time, these areas can be re-polished naturally with Ver Glow #2 or ISI Diamond Impregnated Pads.

International Stoneworks also offers full diamond grinding restoration of terrazzo floors as well.

To find out more about terrazzo restoration and maintenance, feel free to contact us.